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Gastroesophageal reflux disease

It is the result of the reflux of gastric contents into the esophagus, causing discomfort such as heartburn, abdominal and chest pain or pain when swallowing, and there may even be extraesophageal symptoms such as repeated cough and airway infections and complications such as esophageal narrowing and Barrett's esophagus. , with a significant alteration in the quality of life.

There are different treatment options depending on the frequency and severity of the symptoms and they range from treatment with specific medications to laparoscopic surgery.

Notas enfermera que hace

Go to your certified surgeon to receive an expert evaluation and resolve all your doubts about this condition


Dr. Edgar A. González Macedo

General Surgery - Laparoscopic Surgery - Colon and Rectal Surgery

Tel: 55 5272 3327 Ext. 2 WhatsApp and Mobile: 55 20 85 83 70

Puede seleccionar la Dirección del Consultorio que más le beneficie.

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